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The need for personalisation in Banking

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Nov 26, 2021 11:47:56 AM
Customers today have come to expect a level of personalisation while interacting with everyday brands. Technology companies like Amazon, Netflix, and Facebook have recognised the opportunity personalisation can offer organisations and have advanced their service offering through personalised experiences in order to meet constantly evolving customer expectations.
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Topics: Digital Banking, Financial Wellbeing

The impacts of Covid-19 on the mobile and internet banking landscape

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Oct 20, 2020 7:57:47 PM

Covid-19 has significantly transformed our lifestyle on multiple fronts. From the way we do our professional work, go about our daily responsibilities to planning or managing finances, we all have been pushed to adopt digital technologies. ATM cash withdrawals and footfall at physical bank branches are down, whereas e-commerce and contactless payments have increased significantly. A recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald, pointed out that the ATM usage in recent months has plunged by about 40% in volume compared with last year, while branch traffic fell about 50% from February to April. Contactless payments, in contrast, are up about 65% in value. Australians are showing a greater preference for contactless payments during the Covid-19 pandemic, according to debit card provider Eftpos which is claiming 400% growth of its mobile payments business.

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Topics: Digital Banking, Financial Wellbeing

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