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Sandstone Technology

Sandstone Technology
Sandstone Technology builds innovative digital banking solutions for financial institutions, leveraging over 25 years of expertise to enhance customer and staff experiences across retail and business banking with secure, cloud-based technology.

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Does your digital banking strategy tick all of the boxes?

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Jun 21, 2020 7:51:10 PM
It’s time to change your perspective – it’s no longer ‘digital banking’. It’s ‘banking in a digital world’. And to take your rightful place in this digital world, your Digital Banking strategy needs to tick all the boxes. Customers call the shots in the digital age. Their expectations are higher and they’re less willing to accept anything but the best. When it comes to digital banking, simply giving customers a way to transact and transfer isn’t going to cut it. Customers want to fully self-service and take control of their own financial management.
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Topics: Digital Banking

The importance of digital banking in the digital age

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Jun 21, 2020 7:50:13 PM
All banks and financial institutions have a Digital Banking platform these days. But does yours just cover the basics? Or have you realised the fast-growing importance of this channel for your customers and your bank’s future?Increasingly, it’s the channel your existing customers choose to interact with you in. And as the digital native generation reaches adulthood and the workforce, it will be the only channel they’ll use – to research, apply and use their banking products and services.
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Topics: Digital Banking

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