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Sandstone Technology

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6 ways to automate your savings products

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Oct 20, 2022 12:31:46 AM
With real-time monitoring, alerts and fail safes, Sandstone Technology’s tranche management feature is already taking worry and risk out of managing the lifecycle of deposit products.
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Topics: Digital Banking

Banking transformation for customer owned banks: play to your strengths

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Oct 18, 2022 2:23:26 PM
After a three-year hiatus, Australia’s customer owned banks, credit unions and mutuals had a chance to re-connect in person at the 2022 Customer Owned Banking Association (COBA) event. Sandstone Technology’s Chief Customer Officer, Jennifer Harris, reports back with her observations from the convention, and more broadly, thoughts on the post-Covid shifts shaping this dynamic segment.
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Topics: Digital Banking, Origination

The Rise and Rise of Fixed Rate Bonds

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Aug 2, 2022 3:23:39 PM
For almost 10 years, term deposits have taken a back seat. In fact, there are people in their 20s and 30s who have probably never considered term deposits as a banking product. And with super low interest rates the norm, why would they?
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Topics: Digital Banking

Mobile Banking Apps – The good, the bad and the ugly

Posted by Sandstone Technology on May 23, 2022 8:49:05 AM
Mobile banking apps have traditionally been viewed as a cost centre. But this undervalues their potential to be both a sales channel, and a cost-reduction channel. They can play a key role in the digitisation of many banking processes in a digital transformation program.
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Topics: Digital Banking

Mobile Banking Apps: Inhouse vs white labeling

Posted by Sandstone Technology on May 11, 2022 9:20:22 AM
Today, most Tier 1 banks develop their mobile banking apps inhouse. For other financial institutions, the path is not so clear. Should they custom build inhouse, maintaining absolute control, or lean on the experience of an external vendor and their white-label solution?
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Topics: Digital Banking

Digital mortgages: the future of lending, here now

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Apr 19, 2022 1:02:10 PM
Sandstone Technology’s Chief Customer Officer, Ross Watts, explains why digital mortgages are no longer a desirable future state: they’re available now and becoming an essential tool in a bank's digital offering.For years, banks and other lenders have been describing their home loans as digital. But often that’s wishful thinking. What sits behind the scenes may be far from a true digital solution.
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Topics: Origination

Leading banks into the digital era

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Feb 9, 2022 4:45:31 PM
Fintech digital transformation can be made much simpler if partners are willing to drive value in the direction of their customers. With more innovation taking place in the industry, the ability to meet the customers’ needs is what sets a company apart from the rest. As the world continues along its current trajectory towards digital payments and banking services, organisations like Sandstone Technology — with multiple technological capabilities — are encouraging the adoption of fintech among consumers and businesses.
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Topics: Digital Banking

De-risking lending: how to move and scale while staying compliant

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Nov 29, 2021 4:50:08 PM
It’s a precarious time for lenders. Up against increasing demand for a painless customer journey, feeling the pressure to compete and grow, they’re also balancing risk appetite and constant regulatory shifts. Today, many banks and financial institutions recognise that automated digital lending solutions are essential to de-risk at scale, but there are sizeable obstacles to overcome before they get there.
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Topics: Origination

The need for personalisation in Banking

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Nov 26, 2021 11:47:56 AM
Customers today have come to expect a level of personalisation while interacting with everyday brands. Technology companies like Amazon, Netflix, and Facebook have recognised the opportunity personalisation can offer organisations and have advanced their service offering through personalised experiences in order to meet constantly evolving customer expectations.
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Topics: Digital Banking, Financial Wellbeing

Mobile banking security: 5 serious challenges, and the 7 ways to address them

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Nov 23, 2021 10:35:28 PM
Even before the events of 2020 pandemic, Australian and New Zealand consumers were embracing banking on the go. A RFI global digital banking study shows that 73% of consumers are using a mobile app to do their banking, with a significant increase of 12% over the past two years. The uptake of mobile banking apps has risen dramatically across all demographics, bringing with it new vulnerabilities.
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Topics: Digital Banking

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