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Sandstone Technology

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Rollin’ with Gen Zs and Alphas: what financial institutions need to take on board

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Jul 18, 2023 2:03:14 PM
It seems like only yesterday that Millennials were the up-and-comers, their digitally-driven behaviours forcing change in the financial industry. Now it’s Generation Z, half of whom are already adults, and all of whom are digital natives. Meanwhile, the Alpha generation – the under 10s – are hot on their heels. 
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Topics: Digital Banking, mobile and digital banking

5 ways financial institutions can boost digital acquisition

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Jul 10, 2023 8:50:43 AM
We’re now in a market, post-Covid, where digital expectations have been pushed to new heights. Digital customer acquisition strategies are more important than ever, but financial institutions (FIs) are still seeing too many application dropouts. 
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Topics: Data & Open Banking, Digital Banking, mobile and digital banking

What does a great broker journey look like for financial institutions? Automated solutions, greater efficiency

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Jun 26, 2023 4:46:56 PM
Brokers account for 70% of home loans according to recent data reported by the Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia. Like Financial Institutions (FIs), brokers have to contend with numerous obstacles in the application process. Adopting a solution that automates crucial parts of the process can be an efficiency win not just for the FI and its staff, but for brokers too.
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Topics: Origination, Featured Origination

BSA Conference 2023 round-up: essential takeaways for building societies

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Jun 15, 2023 8:47:19 PM

The Building Societies Association (BSA) Annual Conference 2023 is a valuable opportunity to connect with people from all levels of the sector and is always a source of inspiration for those of us attending from Sandstone Technology. As an exhibitor, we had some compelling conversations with a large cross-section of financial services professionals from across the UK. 

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Topics: Digital Banking

Increasing customer experience: the case for self-service banking

Posted by Sandstone Technology on May 16, 2023 5:33:37 PM
After being swept up in a digital wave fed by the pandemic, customers now have an expectation of being able to do everything with a series of clicks. Whether it’s shopping, working or banking, they want the freedom to decide when and how; whether to attend a specific location in person, or stay home on their device of choice.
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Topics: Digital Banking

Steps to overcoming core banking integration challenges

Posted by Sandstone Technology on May 10, 2023 3:39:55 PM
Integrating a new solution into your core banking system brings significant complexity and risk. A successful banking integration relies on both the customer and their technology partner having robust governance and the right team structures in place.
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Will your mortgage processing win new customers, as we approach the ‘fixed-rate cliff’?

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Apr 26, 2023 3:30:42 PM
Banks will need to offer smoother onboarding if they wish to acquire those customers needing to refinance and anyone shopping for a better rate.
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5 ways BankFast Apply streamlines applications for customers and operations staff

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Feb 10, 2023 10:50:26 PM

If you’re still processing account applications manually, with no option for digital origination, you’re wasting the customer’s time. Today there is an expectation for digital banking at every step of the journey.

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Topics: Digital Banking, Origination

Cyber security in banking: the 5 biggest threats for 2023

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Feb 8, 2023 9:57:10 AM
In 2023, cybercrime keeps generating news headlines, with villains inflicting trillions of dollars in damages globally every year. An ever-present threat to individuals and organisations, malicious cyber-attacks are increasing in number and sophistication.
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Topics: Digital Banking

International payments making great strides, creating big opportunities

Posted by Sandstone Technology on Dec 19, 2022 1:34:21 PM
After decades of stagnation, international payments have seen remarkable growth in recent years, arguably more than any other finance vertical. As our economic environment continues to fluctuate and customers demand improved experiences, we need to give cross-border payments our full attention.
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Topics: Digital Banking

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